New Felt Works
Discover the latest in Iliyana's journey through texture and color.

Iliyana Art:
Felt, Acrylic, and Mixed Media

The Art of Felting: From Fiber to Fine Art
Crafting a felted artwork is a labor of love, unfolding in two distinct, meticulous stages. Initially, Iliyana carefully layers wool fibers, a palette of nature's softest hues, to bring her vision to life—this is the soul of the creation process, both intricate and time-intensive. Next, with gentle precision, soap and water are introduced, and the piece is enfolded in plastic before being coaxed into form with the warmth and motion of Iliyana's hands. The fibers interlock; the picture transforms into felt. Subtle refinements are then made with a felting needle, ensuring every detail is pristine. The final masterpiece is lovingly mounted onto cotton and set upon wooden stretchers, ready to tell its story.

Acrylics and Mixed Media
A Daring New Chapter in Iliyana's Journey